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Sasha Salehi

Sasha Salehi

Graphic Design instructor, Sasha Salehi, has taught at FIDM since 2016. He received a BFA in Graphic Design at Art Center College of Design in 2012, and an MFA in Graphic Design from California Instittue of the Arts in 2014.

Do you have a particular style or philosophy about teaching?
I believe that clear, open communication with students is a key element in helping them learn. Looking back at my own learning experience as a student, I greatly value the supportive and caring environment that FIDM provides between professors and students. I love working with students and having them think about the subject matter, helping them come up with ideas and exploring many possibilities in design. In these past couple years that I have been teaching I have learned that other than being a professor I needed to be my students’ friend, gain their trust and guide them to the right path. Working with other professors and staff gave me the confidence to continue what I am doing. Collaborating and learning from other experienced faculties is a privilege that I embrace and appreciate.

What do you enjoy most about teaching at FIDM?
I love that I am sharing my passion with the new generation and my students always surprise me with their creativity and thoughts. I feel like my work had a purpose outside of just making money. FIDM is where we share our ideas purely for the sake of bettering ourselves. Teaching at FIDM is a fun, creative outlet for me. And the most enjoyable part for me is the feeling of accomplishment in seeing students grow in knowledge, confidence, and skill; it is just priceless!

Do you have a favorite memory teaching at FIDM?
My favorite memory at FIDM would be when I received a call from one of my students whose dream it was to work for Walt Disney. I helped her put her portfolio together to submit for Disney review at the time. A week before she graduated, she got job offer from Disney. She is still working there and I hear from her often that how happy she is! In my opinion this is the highest level of joy a professor could ever ask for. I am forever grateful for the opportunities that FIDM provide for me and my students. Way to go FIDM!

Sasha Salehi is an Outstanding Faculty Award Winner, an award given by the student body to outstanding faculty members.

Please Note: The information contained herein was confirmed at the time of original publication.

Categories:  Graphic Design Faculty